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In Grade IX,we have concentrated how cells produce ATPs from nourishment. Cell breath is the procedure in which the C-H bonds in nourishment are broken by oxidation-diminishment responses and the vitality is changed into ATP. In high-impact breath, oxygen is utilized and there is finished oxidation of the sustenance material. Carbon dioxide and water are likewise delivered in this procedure. Creatures get the oxygen, required for cell breath, from their surroundings and give it to their cells. The carbon dioxide delivered amid cell breath is taken out of the cells and at last from the body. Taking in oxygen and giving out of carbon dioxide is termed as vaporous trade.
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In this chapter the topics which you will learn are:

Biology Class 10Th, CH1, Lec1:Cellular Respiration, Gasoues Exchange and Breathing

Biology Class 10Th, CH1, Lec2:Gaseous Exchange in Plants 

Biology Class 10Th, CH1, Lec3:The Air Passageway

Biology Class 10Th, CH1, Lec4:The Lungs 

Biology Class 10Th, CH1, Lec5:The Mechanism of Breathing 

Biology Class 10Th, CH1, Lec6:Bronchitis, Emphysema 

Biology Class 10Th, CH1, Lec7:Pneumonia, Asthma 

Biology Class 10Th, CH1, Lec8:Lung Cancer 

Biology Class 10Th, CH1, Lec9:Bad Effects of Smoking


You can watch and download Video lectures of all above topics.


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