Quiz : When I’m an Old Lady


Quiz Ch # 13

English quiz help you to prepare for exams

The poem when I am an old lady has been written by_________.

When I am an old lady I will live with each______________.

I will drink from the_________ and then leave it out.

Joanne Bailey wants to ________ in her old age.

When Joanne Bailey will write in reds, whites, and blues, her kids will__________.

Joanne Bailey will bounce on beds with her_________.

Joanne Bailey’s children would be unaware of her when________.

Joanne Bailey would dislike eating green beans, okra and__________.

Write the synonym of the deed:

When they cook _____________ and call me to eat.

I’ll not eat my green beans or salad or____________.

I’ll sit close to the________________.

And later in bed I’ll lay back and_________.

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